Friday, March 9, 2007

Billy Collins: Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry

As Carol mentioned, Billy Collins' Poetry 180 is the inspiration for this blog. After reading the introduction to his anthology, I shared his idea of making poetry a part of everyday life here at Sparta High School with the Beginnings magazine staff. We brainstormed and came up with these possibilities: 1. Having a poem read each day as part of morning announcements 2. Adding a poetry page link to the MRC webpage. The short time for announcements made #1 impractical,so, I began working on #2 and began a poetry link to the mrc page. Now, I'm glad that I learned how easy it is to set up a blog! The interactive element of blogging will add so much to sharing and responding to poetry. So, instead of linking to a static web page, there will be a link to this blog on the the MRC homepage. As a tribute to Billy Collins I've posted animated versions of 2 of his poems. Enjoy!

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